Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How To DeBrick an AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3

  The other day my friend had an AT&T Samsung galaxy s3 that was fully bricked. Meaning the phone wouldn't turn on. The Samsung Galaxy S 3 wouldn't go into download mode or recovery. The flagship device was just fully bricked. So I took it upon myself to do a little research and found out that there are possibilites to fix a bricked Samsung Galaxy s3 from AT&T.
   First off you need to have a fresh micro sdcard or a newly formatted sdcard and a card reader for the computer to read the micro sdcard. Now I used a 16 GB card cause that's what the internal storage was on this phone. If it's a 32 GB internal storage phone I would recommend a 32GB micro sdcard.

   Once you have the micro sdcard in the card reader slot  for your computer you need to put the reader into The computer and search for the AT&T Debrick file from your AT&T or who ever carrier you might have and your model number. You can find the debrick file for at&t at . Scroll down to you see the I747 debrick file zip download. Download  that to your computer. Once you've downloaded the debrick file for your AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3 you need to have the windows 32 disk imager which is located HERE.

   What you need to do is install the windows 32 disk imager. Open the imager up having the micro sdcard already in the computer. Once you have the disk imager open locate to you find The AT&T debrick file on your computer. Once located make sure on the drop down box in the windows 32 disk imager that it shows that it's going to your sdcard . There is a drop down box in windows disk imager where it shows where its going to write the file to. It might have a letter for instance the letter H make sure you double check on my computer and check what letter your micro sdcard represents. Most likely it will be matched with the right letter .

  Once you've matched it with your sdcard click write. Wait til its finished. Then close it out. Once you've done that take the sdcard reader out of the computer. Then take the micro sdcard put it back into your AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3. Put the battery back in and then put the back cover back on. what you need to do now  is hold the volume down button the home button and power button all at the same time.

   If you get a vibration and it goes into download mode you've successfully managed to write the file correctly. If not don't worry about it  just repeat all the steps again making sure your micro sdcard is reformatted as well. Once you're in download mode your going to have to have Odin installed which you Can find on XDA here. Download that file and extract it you can actually download Odin and the firmware  first before you actually go thru the whole process of downloading the debrick file. Plug your phone into the computer. When your phone is plugged into your computer you should see drivers being installed. Let the drivers install completely before your next step.

  Now Open up Odin of your drivers were installed correctly you should see a yellow com with a number in the box. It can be any number just has to be a yellow box if your using Odin 1.85 se Odin applications have a blue box. Once you have Odin opened up and your phone is   into download mode Now you need to locate The firmware for your device which you can find at XDA developers site which I recommend for all your questions or info for your smart phone. The firmware for AT&T is found here

  Go down til you see the tar file for your device. This is if you haven't had the OTA 4.4. If you have had the 4.4. OTA update just use the other tar file that is found on the page. So locate the tar file that will be for 4.3 . So what you wanna do is download the file an extract the file til you  get the tar.md5 file . Having  Odin opened up make sure your com port is yellow in the box its very important  hit the PDA slot on Odin locate the AT&T tar file for 4.3 firmware , click on the file and hit open make sure repartition is not checked on Odin and  click start. Let Odin work it's work and  do not touch the phone. It  should take about ten minutes or so and when the download is completed  the phone will reboot and you will have a new Samsung Galaxy S3 working right out of the box .

   Good luck ! I hope this was very useful for use of you out there I know I probably would've thrown it away or sent it out to get fixed or spent 600-800 dollars buying a new smartphone so I hoped this has helped . Don't give up like I said earlier it might not work the first time to get the phone turned on and into download mode but try again from the beginning and it will work you should have no problems with it as I was able to have it on into download mode on my first attempt.

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